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Nonfiction: Business & Economics / Consumer Behavior
Unabridged   11.75 hour(s)
Publication date: 11/29/2011


Creating What People Love Before They Know They Want It

Available from major retailers or BUY FROM AMAZON
Audio CD ISBN:9781611746518
Digital Download ISBN:9781611746525


“One of the world’s six most influential management thinkers” (Industry One) combines clever, counterintuitive stories about everyday life and human behavior to present a powerful, new way to understand demand: how to create it, how to maintain it.

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Product Description

In Demand, Adrian Slywotzky provides a radically new way to think about demand, with a big idea and a host of practical applications—not just for people in business but also for social activists, government leaders, non-profit managers, and other would-be innovators. To succeed in their various missions, all these groups need to master such ground-breaking concepts as the hassle map (and the secrets of fixing it); the curse of the incomplete product (and how to avoid it); why “very good” does not equal “magnetic”; how what you don’t see can make or break a product; the art of transforming fence sitters into customers; why there’s no such thing as an average customer; and why real demand comes from a 45-degree angle of improvement (rather than the five degrees most organizations manage).


“Those who enjoy straightforward audio presentations . . . will appreciate Courvoisier’s delivery of the authors’ detailed, thoroughly researched explanations of how these companies transformed products from brilliant concepts to compelling realties that consumers come to believe are essential.”

“Adrian Slywotsky’s charming and enlightening stories of market creation will inform and inspire innovators everywhere. Demand is the book you didn’t know you needed until you read it, love it, and find that you can’t succeed without it.”
      —Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School professor, author of Confidence and SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good

Author Bio

ADRIAN J. SLYWOTZKY is a partner at Oliver Wyman, an international management consulting firm. The Times of London named Slywotzky one of the top 50 business thinkers and Industry Week has named him one of the six most influential management thinkers, “promising to be what Peter Drucker was to much of the twentieth century: the management guru against whom all others are measured.” KARL WEBER writes about business and current affairs.

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